
Brand Standards

Signature Mechanics

A brand’s cornerstone identity component is it’s Signature. The Kadlec Signature is available in one orientation—horizontal—with the ability for the Rule to position on the right side of the Logotype for sub-brand Signatures. Kadlec’s Signature has been refined to better reflect our integrated quality, progressive attitude, and the precise execution of the services we provide.

Kadlec’s Signature is built with intentional ratios, dimensions, and proximity. These mechanics are indicated by the line measurements showing the variety of spacial relationships present, which preserve the integrity and quality of the Signature. Never resize, shift, skew, or otherwise alter them.


Do not reproduce by scanning a previously printed version of any of these identity assets. Always consult a design professional when requiring brand-specific communication materials.

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Signature Mechanics

Clear Zone

Signature Colors

The custom-lettered “KADLEC” name

The classic yellow bar under the Logotype

The sharp accent component through the letter “A”

Kadlec Primary Signature

Kadlec’s Signature is built with intentional ratios, dimensions, and proximity. These mechanics are indicated by the line measurements showing the variety of spacial relationships present, which preserve the integrity and quality of the Signature. Never resize, shift, skew, or otherwise alter them.

Kadlec Signature Mechanics